blog photo forest ranger gets his dying wish

Undoubtedly, many dying wishes fade away unfulfilled. But, thankfully, sometimes the voice of a terminally ill loved one is heard and acted upon. And I believe that is about as beautiful of an act of kindness as there ever could be.

Almost certainly each of us has had some direct or indirect knowledge and/or experience with the wonderful organization called Hospice. The volunteers spend their time helping the dying and their loved ones, easing the transition from this life to the next. Many call them angels, and I, having had personally experienced Hospice, can understand why.

Last year, a Hospice Care facility near Seattle, Washington, had a patient who was a former forest ranger by the name of Ed. Ed had been bedridden for several years and hadn’t been able to go outside at all. As a nature lover, this was incredibly difficult.  He told those around him that his dying wish was to go one last time into the forest he loved so much. His caregivers listened.

It took a group effort to fulfill Ed’s dying wish, due to the nature of his illness. But, Evergreen Hospice along with cooperation from the local fire district, carefully planned a trip. Ed was transported via emergency vehicle into Meadowdale Beach Park. There he was wheeled by gurney along the trails, where he was able to take in the sights and smells only a forest can give. His delight was perceived by and shared by those with him on his happy journey that day.

Ed’s daughter, Rene Gabbard,  had this to say about her father’s trip home from the forest:

 “Because of hospice, Daddy was granted his final wish. Although the moment he emerged from the ambulance I knew he was in the final minutes on this earth, as they transported him up the walk, he passed beneath his beloved trees. The gurney brushed by his herbs and they released a fragrance so wonderful. When he was finally in our home, he said goodbye to his girl of over 60 years. I keep the hospice business card in my bible. They are in my prayers.”
Thank you, Hospice.